Proper acclimation is crucial for the well-being and successful transition of fish to their new aquarium or environment. Here is a general guideline for acclimating fish.

Float the Fish: Keep the fish, still sealed in its bag, float on the surface of the aquarium for about 15-20 minutes. This allows the temperature inside the bag to gradually adjust to the temperature of the aquarium water.

Temperature Equalization: Open the bag and gently fold the top to create an air pocket, making it float on the water's surface. Add small amounts of aquarium water to the bag every few minutes over a period of 15-20 minutes. This process helps the fish adjust to the temperature and pH of the aquarium water gradually.

Water Mixing: After the acclimation period, carefully net the fish out of the bag and release it into the aquarium. Avoid adding the water from the bag into the aquarium, as it may contain pollutants or imbalances.

Observe and Monitor: Allow the fish to acclimate further in the aquarium. Keep an eye on its behavior and make sure it is adjusting well. Monitor the water parameters regularly to ensure they are suitable for the species.

It's important to note that the acclimation process may vary depending on the specific needs of the fish species and the instructions provided by the supplier. Some sensitive or delicate species may require a slower acclimation process or specific steps. Therefore, it is always advisable to follow any specific acclimation instructions provided by the fish supplier or seek guidance from experienced aquarium enthusiasts or professionals if necessary.

Remember to handle the fish and their transport water with care, avoiding sudden movements or exposing them to extreme temperature or lighting conditions. By acclimating the fish properly, you can help reduce stress and increase their chances of a successful transition to their new environment.